Shrovetide Football

Football Poems Movie Score: four / 5

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  1. American football is the best sport in the world.

  2. He picked the ball up with his hands… So why do people complain about American football being played with hands? And American Football actually came from this sport and Rugby. Except during colonial times, It was played with an animal skull or turkey in the Americas.

  3. This is similar to Hallaton bottle kicking but bottle kicking uses a wooden barrel not a ball.

  4. the rules are no muder no taking it in a motor car, and your not allowed in the church yard
    i shoud know, i live in ashbourne

  5. And this is why the rest of the world sucks. Any ppl stubborn enough and independent enough to throw out every fucking rule save one and keep it going until it’s done can’t be beaten. Period.

  6. Whats the goal of the game? Someone tell me! How long is the game?

  7. UnShavenM0nkey

    We are English, small town of 7k people the vast majority of people live and breathe shrovetide, thus u know the players since you are tiny. simple really

  8. Before I die, I will play this game.

  9. zombie football

  10. I am with macho? How do you know who’s who. No one is wearing the same colors, shirts that say up’ards and down’ards. I guess it’s just an american thing. I mean the only comparison here would be like in the racially divided days of old when whites lived on one side of the “tracks” and blacks on the other. But in this case, I don’t see how you could tell. Is there that big of a difference in up’ards and down’ards?

  11. Wow this sounds fun, I’d like to play it

  12. 1:23 Holy shit, there’s cpt. Kirk there!

  13. The two teams are the Up’ards and the Down’ards, depending which side of the town river you’re born on. I’m a Down’ard.

  14. their is literly no rules … meaning everyone could be on the same team lol……..

  15. how are you supposed to know which people are on your team?

  16. lmao this is insane

  17. joeyvalentine

    great video

  18. This must be the best sport ever,but I think it would be epic if there was a game of that in a city with lots of people.
    But I think that would cause massive numbers of deaths.

  19. spoofsofstiff

    this sucks rugby all the way

  20. its the original football

  21. didnt count

  22. I don´t know why, but i like the crazy guys from the island!

  23. thinlizzy7889

    oh come on, seriously….damn, us downards were like 100 yards from the goal….ahhh i cant believe that!